Thanks to the MPRB! Last month the Board unanimously approved the creation of four separate Advisory Committees to develop plans for improving athletic facilities in the Minneapolis park system. This process is similar to the highly successful Skate Park Activity Plan that the MPRB adopted in 2017, which has led to numerous improvements to skate parks in Minneapolis. Here are some highlights of the Advisory Committees:
- The four Advisory Committees are Diamond Sports, Court Sports, Field Sports and Winter Sports.
- The Diamond Sports Advisory Committee will be established first and will start meeting at the beginning of 2023.
- The planning process is anticipated to last eight months.
- Staff will solicit advisory committee members with the Park Board approving the committee members.
- Items to be discussed during the planning process include:
- identifying assets and classifying them
- reviewing methods of renting assets to non-MPRB entities
- terms and conditions limiting enhance field use by general public
- reviewing national, regional and local participation trends related to diamond sports
- identifying surplus or deficit in assets based on classification and location
- comparing Minneapolis maintenance standards with other communities
- prioritize facility improvements